High School Clinics – CLOSED

Choose a 3 or 2 Day High School Advanced Pitching Program

Clinic Dates – 11/27/2023 – 2/24/2024

14 Week Clinic | 3 days per week – $1,300 or 2 days per week – $1,000

Class size is a maximum of 10 players

14 weeks are scheduled for the High School pitching program. Please ask the coach to make up missed sessions during the week or the following week by attending another class.

This advanced pitching program is for athletes looking to develop toward their full potential as a pitcher. The clinics’ instructor will utilize his background in movement studies and exercise science to help each participant work on their individual mechanical needs with the goals of reducing stress while improving command and velocity. Current best practices for arm care and recovery will be followed to promote arm health and overall fitness.

Participants will:

  • Develop individual pitch arsenals, off speed pitches using Rapsodo ball flight technology
  • Have a Video analysis of their pitching mechanics
  • Work on Command Training using Technology to track improvements in strike percentage
  • Develop pre and post throw arm care routines

High School Session 1 – 3 days per week

Monday, Wednesday & Friday 4:00-5:30 pm

11/27/2023 – 2/23/2024


High School Session 2 – 3 days per week


High School Session 3 – 2 days per week

Monday & Thursday 5:30 – 7:00 pm

11/27/2023 – 2/22/2024


High School Session 4 – 2 days per week

Tuesday & Saturday

Tuesday8:00 – 9:30 pm | Saturday – 10:00 am – 11:30

11/28/2023 – 2/24/2024


Middle School Clinic – CLOSED

Complete Game Team Member Price: $1,000

Class size is a maximum of 10 players

Participants will work toward developing elite control, velocity and off-speed pitches. Participants will have a video analysis of their mechanics and development plans established. Current best practices in arm care, recovery, velocity development and pitch design will be used to promote personal development.

Middle School Program

Monday & Thursday 7:00-8:00 pm

12/11/2023 – 3/7/2024


Youth Clinics – 2 Session Options

Youth Program

Youth Clinic Price: $400

1 Day per Week

Session 1: Wednesday 6:00- 7:00 pm


1/3/2024 – 3/16/2024

11 Sessions – class size is limited to a maximum of 10 players

Session 2: Saturday 11:30am – 12:30pm

1/3/2024 – 3/16/2024

11 Sessions – class size is limited to a maximum of 10 players


The youth pitching clinic is designed to promote advanced pitching skill through development efficient mechanics. The goal of the clinic is to begin the process of developing healthy pitchers who have good command, velocity and off-speed pitches. Getting a solid foundation at a young age sets the course for a successful journey as a pitcher.

Days will not be added at the end

Group Pitching Lessons – Sign up for a 6-10 weeks

4 – 6 players per session

Group Rate is $50 per player per hour

Group lessons are designed for CG Team Players or Outside Teams looking to get their players pitching lessons in a small group setting. Teams/players may sign up as a group. Group settings are designed to match players together based on age and or similar skills.