Middle School Pitching Clinic
Program will run from: 12/7/2021 – 2/26/2022
2 days per week
Tuesday 5:30 – 6:30 pm & Saturday 11:30 – 12:30 pm
Lead Instructor: Joe Moore
Cost per Clinic: $900
Clinic Details
Complete Game of PA’s middle school pitching clinic is designed for the continued development of pitchers as they progress in their transition to the 60’6″ pitching mound. Participants will focus on developing the functional strength and mobility, efficient mechanics and arm care protocols necessary to pitch at the middle school and high school levels. The program will run 2 times a week to progressively build a work capacity for pitchers to be prepared to compete in the middle of March at tryouts for their middle school baseball team. Participants will go through a movement screening, video analysis of their pitching mechanics and assessment of their pitch metrics (velocity, spin rate, release, height etc.) to develop plans of development that will be carried out over the course of the program.
Registration and Policies:
Class times and days subject to change based upon enrollment and requests.
Due to a maximum number of players per class please contact Complete Game of PA’s office at (484) 791-3677 or info@completegameofpa.com for registration information if you are unable to sign up on through MindBody or the coach.
Register for clinics using CG’s Mindbody app or register directly on Mindbody using the below link. Navigate to the clinic date and confirm your information is up to date on the site.